Monday, March 1, 2010

not much makes sense these days

how come I can plant a plant in a pot and sit it on my porch... I can love it and water it and fertilize it and pluck its expired blooms and wilted leaves ... all in efforts to keep 'er looking o-so-fresh. Given enough time (and fertilizer, ha), my well taken care of plant will ultimately become root-bound and drooop and eventually die (assuming I don't repot it ok).

but how come a random seed can drop into the crack of a rock and a whole damn tree will grow years and years in the woods with no audience or caregiver...and it grows up not to just be a tree, but a totally bad ass tree capable of growing sideways if necessary to find sufficient sunlight...its roots seek out the tiniest cracks and eventually break apart the rock until the sough nutrients can be short these rare but bad ass trees get what they want...

i wanna be that tree ...

but i feel like a half-dead, used-to-be-vibrant-gerber a pot three years too small.

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