Wednesday, November 11, 2009

so ... minimalism? maybe...not so much

So its more than a month later...since my last post at least...I'm assuming that my memory version of the past month is different than how it actually happened and how it would read if I had recorded each day. Either way, I now am officially a resident of a camper. Honestly, its much more comfortable than I had imagined. (maybe I had prepared myself for the worst, idk) It is accurate to say that the camper is most definitely cozy. While my boyfriend and I are seldom both in the camper at the same time with the exception of eating and sleeping, its adequate. It has been a transition, but a relatively simple one. I view all space with a completely different mindset now...I'm engaged in a constant struggle of how much 'stuff' can I fit in that space? or that one? It can't be healthy. I blame some of it on the month of constant packing and the rest on the 'cozy camper' situation. There is only room for the essentials. (My wardrobe has been cut down to at most, 25% of its original size). Things always have to be put away...ultimatly because the space is all multi-purpose...the kitchen table is a counter, a work space or desk (where I'm sitting now), a seat for watching tv, and a place for eating. I have clothes stored on shelves in the same cabinets as food. The bed serves its purpose for sleeping of course, but it also serves as storage during the day. Sometimes the necessity to move things to utilize a space is frustrating but really it works. While we mostly grill out, I have a gas, 3 burner stove, microwave and toaster oven. What more could a girl want? ; )

We are currently enduring the historic 'november nor'easter' ... every few minutes a strong wind gust rocks this piece like a cradle in the tree top, haha. As long as we don't float or blow away, I'm pretty sure this camper lifestyle thing is do-able. I question the minimalist label for my new lifestyle because I still have all the modern day conveniences: internet, tv, dvds, a good mattress and my blow dryer. Again, what more could a girl want? ; )